Originally posted in April, y2k, Penalt was fully formed in my mind. Not only as the companion to Mamid(me), but as an antagonist to Whitey. Whitey is a Mac user. Penalt is Windows. Mamid is a dual booter Windows/Mandrake at that point. Penalt, if I had kept on going with the strip instead of taking a break, would have slowly learned the joys of Linux. Whitey and Penalt were friends with Penalt constantly beating Whitey at all the games the two of them could play together - mainly, Moo3.
Penalt would, and still does, rants about offering one's wallet to Redmond and to remember to do your "Hail Bills" in a timely manner. I had him envisioned as a priest of Gates learning how wrong Windows actually is. Penalt is planning on joining the "skeptics club" with the Unbuntu Loco.
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